Sunday, October 24, 2010


A keylogger, sometimes called a keystroke logger, key logger, or system monitor, is a hardware device or small program that monitors each keystroke a user types on a specific computer's keyboard.A keylogger program does not require physical access to the user's computer. It can be downloaded on purpose by someone who wants to monitor activity on a particular computer or it can be downloaded unwittingly as spyware and executed as part of a rootkit or remote administration (RAT) Trojan horse. A keylogger program typically consists of two files that get installed in the same directory: a dynamic link library (DLL) file (which does all the recording) and an executable file (.EXE) that installs the DLL file and triggers it to work. The keylogger program records each keystroke the user types and uploads the information over the Internet periodically to whoever installed the program.

hello friends my name is rao and this tutorial is totally by me,"Keyloging" is one of the easy way,No, of easiest way to hack. you can get full access to victims computer,every single key which typed by victim is monitored by you.Of course,everybody wanna hack his friends for that,keylogging is the best way. whenever your friend ask for a software and you wanna spy him then bind the keylogger with any software and sent it to your friend. monitor his chat,get his password,get the screenshots of his computer but for all of this you should have a keylogger which has remote installation feature in it.

Here i am posting ardamax keylogger 2.8 (i recommend 2.8, please do not download ardamax 2.9 or newer version because the remote installation feature of ardamax 2.9 sucks and the newer versions of ardamax keylogger don't have remote installation feature, so ardamax 2.8 is my choice)

1. Ok,now download ardamax 2.8 with keygen from here,if you are having problems while downloading then download from here. turnoff your antivirus and install it.

2.After installation register "ardamax keyloger" keygen is provided.

3.Signup an ftp acount at and create a new folder "logs".

4.Now in the lower right corner of the task bar you would see "ardamax keylogger 2.8" running, right click on it.

5.Select remote installation.

6.Click next.

7.then (if you want to bind it with any song or software) tick append keylogger box on top if you donot want to bind don't bind its optional, click next again

8.Invisibility option will come up, tick all the boxes and click next

9.Enable password if you want this is optional, after you are done with it click next

10.then cancel tick from update option, click NEXT

11.Click next again

12.tick the box "send logs to" and select delivery method "ftp" and cancel tick from send logs if it exceeds 50 kb then click next

13.In ftp host write
remote folder \logs
uername and password write your drivehq username and password
click next



16.destination option will come up click next

 finish,a message will come "deployment package created successfully".

 it is , the remote installation file and it has trojan in it
Then upload remote installation file to, or and send download link to friends.


if you want to make keylogger fully undetectable then you should download FUD crypter, there is no fud crypter available on internet for public you can buy them from and various hacking forums.


You should disable antivirus when installing ardamax keylogger, every keylogger which has remote installation feature in it, is detected by antivirus as "trojan",Yes it is the trojan that enables to seng logs from victim to you, so the trojan is used to send the logs
My all posts are for educational purpose. I am not responsible of misuse of this software or what else you do with it.


Rao Asfand Yar said...

hey man i have posted 2 posts in one night please subscribe

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