Thursday, October 28, 2010

AntiVirus Killer

Now after posting about keyloggers, i recieved many email about crypters some saying, that their crypted file doesnot run,some saying it's detected by antivirus and some saying fud crypters are expensive and after some time they get detected
So for that, here i am posting "antivirus killer" commonly known as av killer its quite simple to use them you just have to bind them with .exe file file so that when victim open the .exe ,av killer will execute and delete the antivirus installed

Here are some av killer click here to download them ,and click on skip add to download.

If you are having problems in downloading, click here to download them
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

400 Viruses

Now its like a gift for you all. Download 400 viruses in one file,dont be afraid for safety viruses would be in rar.

Download from here , having problems then download from here

especial thanx to sql injection
Monday, October 25, 2010

Hacking with Rats (Remote administration tool)

Hello my is Rao Asfand Yar. In this post i am gonna tell you about RATS(remote administation tools),mostly the beginners dont know about rats.

A Remote Administration Tool (known more commonly on the Internet as a RAT) is used to remotely connect and manage a single or multiple computers with a variety of tools, such as:

* Screen/camera capture or control
* File management (download/upload/execute/etc.)
* Shell control (usually piped from command prompt)
* Computer control (power off/on/log off)
* Registry management (query/add/delete/modify)
* Other product-specific function
* captures keystrokes and used to steal password.

SandBoxie (should have)

If you think that you got a tool that maybe is a virus, than open the file with this tool. Sandboxie isolate the program so it cant infect your computer. You can also run sites, webbrowser and windows finder. Every hacker need this!

download from here

How To Make An FTP Keylogger with vb

Make a Keylogger with VB
When you are done with this tutorial you will be able to Make and Use a keylogger that is close to fully undetectable,
without the victim getting suspicious. You will be able to keylog just about anyone.

This Guide will be split into 2 parts:
Writing your own undetectable keylogger


Now, this is for fun, today raoasfandyar is posting a dangerous virus maker named "TERABIT VIRUS MAKER" this is a great tool for all of you people, now create a virus and send it to your enemy. Making a virus with TERABIT is so easy even kids can make it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


A keylogger, sometimes called a keystroke logger, key logger, or system monitor, is a hardware device or small program that monitors each keystroke a user types on a specific computer's keyboard.A keylogger program does not require physical access to the user's computer. It can be downloaded on purpose by someone who wants to monitor activity on a particular computer or it can be downloaded unwittingly as spyware and executed as part of a rootkit or remote administration (RAT) Trojan horse. A keylogger program typically consists of two files that get installed in the same directory: a dynamic link library (DLL) file (which does all the recording) and an executable file (.EXE) that installs the DLL file and triggers it to work. The keylogger program records each keystroke the user types and uploads the information over the Internet periodically to whoever installed the program.

hello friends my name is rao and this tutorial is totally by me,"Keyloging" is one of the easy way,No, of easiest way to hack. you can get full access to victims computer,every single key which typed by victim is monitored by you.Of course,everybody wanna hack his friends for that,keylogging is the best way. whenever your friend ask for a software and you wanna spy him then bind the keylogger with any software and sent it to your friend. monitor his chat,get his password,get the screenshots of his computer but for all of this you should have a keylogger which has remote installation feature in it.

Hack Facebook

Hello friends in my first post i would be telling you to how to hack facebook
with the most easiest method known as phishing, While there are many other methods to hack facebook some of them are described below:

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